Monday 10 September 2007

The ford and stepping stones at Stanhope

Not strictly a photo of Sunderland but it is still the River Wear not far from it's source in Weardale as it flows through the village of Stanhope (pronounced Stannup). There is a crossing point here for vehicles just in front of the stepping stones, which was closed on this particular day as it was Stanhope Show weekend. However lots of people still made good use of the stepping stones without the risk of being splashed by passing traffic. (Back to schooldays again: we had a geography field trip to Stanhope - imagine almost 200 squealing 13 year olds all trying to cross the stones at once. There must have been six to a stepping stone at some points!)
At this time of year the river is quite shallow, but in the winter it is totally impassable and drivers who tried to tough it out have had to be airlifted out of the river.

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